A storm can leave your residential shingles damaged and in need of repair. Here’s how to find damage on your residential shingles and get them fixed.
Many things can damage your roof, the most common being inclement weather such as thunderstorms or hail. These conditions won’t always result in damage, but you should still inspect your roof after a period of bad weather. You can prevent major roof damage by catching and repairing minor damage before it gets worse. By performing these regular inspections, you can save yourself from costly roof repairs, replacement, and other problems—like water damage, pest invasions, and mold or mildew growth. It pays to be proactive. A well-maintained roof will look better and last longer, and the less damage that occurs, the less hassle and stress it is for you. If you’re wondering how to find damage on your residential shingles, read on. Ahead, we’ll go over how to locate and identify problems so you can get them repaired as soon as possible.
How To Check for Damage
To start, you’ll want to inspect your home’s exterior. You can get a decent picture of the condition of your roof by examining the condition of certain structures and items at ground level. The only things you’ll need to perform a ground-level inspection are your eyes, although a pair of binoculars can help you see on top of your roof. Make sure you look for visible debris. You may find torn-off shingles scattered around your backyard or branches on top of your roof. You should also make sure to inspect the condition of your home’s siding and the deck or patio. These places are highly susceptible to storm damage. If either of them sustained damage, the roof likely did as well. If you spot noticeable signs of damage, such as holes in your roof, you should address them immediately. The longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.
Understanding the Different Types of Damage
The various types of weather—rain, snow, wind—will affect your roof in unique ways. This means that you’ll be searching for different kinds of damage depending on the recent weather in your area. If you’re checking your roof after a thunderstorm, for example, you should keep an eye out for signs of wind and water damage. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of weather and what kinds of damage they can do to your roof:
Water Damage
This is one of the most common kinds of roof damage. If water manages to get underneath the shingles, it can compromise the roof’s structural integrity and lead to interior leaking. Leaking is a major problem that can damage the structure of your home down to the foundation, cause electrical fires, and promote the growth of mold and mildew. Mold can cause your family to develop respiratory problems and can worsen the symptoms of allergies and asthma. This troublesome fungus can grow on top of your roof, where it can lead to wood rot in wooden shingles and erode the asphalt of your asphalt shingles.
Wind Damage
The strong wind that often accompanies storms can pick up debris, sending them flying into your roof. A branch or other object blown on top of your roof can cause cracks, dents, and other forms of damage. A particularly powerful gust can even peel the shingles right off your roof and send them flying into your yard. Not only does this leave your roof bare and vulnerable—it also leaves you with a huge mess to clean up.
Hail Damage
Hail, no matter the size, can severely damage your roof. If you notice any dark spots on your roof, these are areas where the granules—the sandpaper-like part of a shingle—have been knocked away. If your shingles lose their granules, it can lead to other types of damage such as leaking and cracks. Aside from knocking off granules, hail can also cause cracks and dents, fracture or expose the underlying fiberglass mat, and weaken the seal integrity of your shingles.
Snow and Ice Damage
Winter can cause a lot of damage to your roof, too. A newer roof should withstand up to 20 pounds of weight, which equates to four feet of snow. An older, weathered roof, on the other hand, may not be able to support that kind of weight. If your roof can’t handle the weight, it can start to sag. Melted snow can also cause damage. The rapid melting and refreezing of snow during early winter and spring can result in water damage and lead to the formation of ice dams. These can tear off your gutters and shingles and cause leaking, structural damage, and even certain health hazards.
Know What Kind of Roof You Have
Another tip on how to find damage on your residential shinglesis to know what kind of roof you have. Depending on the type of material, storm damage can present differently. If you don’t know what kind of roof you have, ask a roofer to check it and let you know. The two main types of shingles are asphalt and wood. Here’s how storm damage will look on them both:
Asphalt Shingles
If you have asphalt shingles, you’ll want to make sure they aren’t loose, broken, or cracked. If moisture has managed to creep inside a shingle, you may notice bubbling or blistering on the surface. If the shingles are damaged in any way, you’ll want to have them repaired as soon as possible. A damaged shingle can lead to leaking and more severe structural damage.
Wooden Shingles
Wooden shingles are less common than asphalt shingles and tend to require more maintenance after a storm. You’ll want to look for any separated, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged shingles or shakes. Much like asphalt shingles, damaged wooden shingles can cause a massive and expensive leak.
Make a Plan To Deal With the Damage
If you have homeowner’s insurance, document the damage and file a claim. If your claim is approved, your insurance company should take care of the repair cost. The only thing you’ll need to do is hire a reputable roof repair company and pay the deductible.
Searching for
storm damage contractors in Minnesota to repair your damaged shingles? Give Viking Contractors a call. Our reliable and knowledgeable roofing contractors will inspect your roof for damage and make sure it receives the necessary repairs. Contact us today for a free inspection and quote!